Our Mission – What are we doing?

Live for More
Values – Why are we doing it?
Jesus – The ultimate treasure
Scripture – The highest authority
Community – Where we do life, deep & meaningful relationships
Prayer – Our mindset
Sharing Jesus – Our lifestyle

Philosophy – How are we doing it?
Rescue (Evangelism)
Rebuild (Discipleship)
Empower (Leadership Development)
Measures – When are we successful?

Am I treasuring Jesus above all else?
Am I growing in the Word?
Am I serving selflessly and loving sacrificially?
Am I praying consistently?
Am I connecting people to Jesus?
What is The Church?

As a diverse local community of believers, we:
- Study and learn from the Bible
- Organize under qualified leadership
- Gather regularly for fellowship, preaching, song, and prayer
- Observe the Biblical Sacraments of Baptism and Communion
- Are unified by the Spirit
- Are disciplined for holiness
- Scatter to fulfill the Great Commandment and the Great Commission
Our Beliefs
Click Here for our Statement of Faith